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Screen Time and Children: Striking the Right Balance

31 July 2024 · 7 mins read


Screen time for children comes with advantages and disadvantages. Learn more about how to strike the right balance for healthy development.

In this digital era, screens are almost everywhere, impacting how we work, live, and play. However, their excessive presence is a concern, especially regarding children’s screen time.

Although these devices are useful for entertainment and education, excessive screen exposure can detrimentally affect a child’s development.

In this article, we will explore the concept of screen time and understand how to nurture a balanced approach to digital engagement.

What is screen time?

Screen time refers to the hours your child spends engaged with electronic devices such as tablets, smartphones, computers, televisions, and gaming consoles.

Children’s screen time statistics can portray a clearer picture of today’s digital landscape. For example, in Malaysia, studies have indicated that children between the ages of 2 and 17 spend an average of 3 to 4 hours on screens, with smartphones being the preferred choice among teenagers and children.

What is healthy screen time?

Determining healthy screen time for children is a difficult task. However, AAP (the American Academy of Paediatrics) recommends specific guidelines based on age:

Age group

Recommended screen time

Under 18 months

Avoid screen time

18-24 months

Limited, educational content with caregiver

2-5 years

One hour per day of non-educational screen time and three hours on weekends

6 years and above

Encourage healthy habits, limit screen time

These guidelines highlight the necessity to restrict screen time and parents should also ensure that children watch only age-appropriate content.

What are the popular children’s activities on screen?

In today’s digital landscape, children have numerous activities to choose from when it comes to screen time. These activities cover a wide range, from fun and learning to socialising. Knowing what kids do on screens is essential to see how it affects their growth. Let’s look at some popular activities:

  1. Gaming

    Gaming is the most popular among children's onscreen activities. These can be played on mobile devices, computers and even gaming consoles. Some of the benefits of playing video games include:

    • Help develop problem-solving skills.
    • Enhance eye-hand coordination.
    • Encourage teamwork.
    • Develop strategic thinking.

    However, excessive gamingmay reduce physical activity and lead to medical issues like obesity.

  2. Social media

    The use of social media is becoming rampantly popular these days. These platforms help in self-expression and communication. However, there is always a hidden risk of cyberbullying and online piracy.

  3. Educational apps

    These apps offer an immersive learning experience and strengthen learning concepts. When used in moderation, these are highly helpful for a child’s development.

  4. Streaming services

    Numerous streaming services, such as Amazon Prime, Netflix, Disney+, and YouTube Kids, offer a library of content that was impossible to obtain in the last decade. However, this raises concerns about the risk of excess screen time and exposure to age-inappropriate shows.

  5. Online learning

    As more technology is integrated into education, children are required to submit their assignments online. Although this is an inseparable part of modern learning, parents should take due care to prevent it from merging with leisure screen time.

  6. Creativity and content creation

    Children may use screens as a medium for exploring their creativity. These days, many children are engaged in activities such as creating music, developing YouTube content, digital arts, etc.

What are the advantages of screen time?

Let us take a look at some of the benefits of screen time for children:

  1. Educational apps and learning platforms

  2. The advent of educational apps has completely revolutionised the way children access new skills and information. Unlike traditional classroom teaching, interactive apps help children develop a broader and deeper understanding of various concepts.

  3. Developing social connections

  4. Screen time can help children develop social interactions where geographical distance is a barrier. They can connect with friends and relatives who work from a different city or country.

    Thanks to video chat services, parents can develop closer bonds with their kids even though they are several miles away. In addition, children could also interact with various subject experts across the globe, which could be helpful in their studies.

  5. Enhancing communication skills

  6. Digital communication platforms foster an environment where children can freely express themselves using text, voice, and video. Engaging with these platforms enhances their communication skills and encourages them to articulate their thoughts and emotions effectively.

  7. Fostering creativity

  8. Screen can offer opportunities for kids to explore their creativity in music, arts, acting and other forms of self-expression. Tons of creative apps are available over the internet, which can help them to showcase their talents.

What are the disadvantages and effects of too much screen time?

Excessive screen time comes with a list of disadvantages. Here are a few:

  1. Physical health concerns

    Children who spend too much time on screen develop several health issues, such as poor posture, eye strain, obesity, insomnia, and improper eating habits. Studies have shown that prolonged screen exposure, particularly before bedtime, can disrupt sleep patterns and affect the quality of rest.

  2. Mental and emotional impacts

    Children exposed to excessive screen content may experience reduced attention spans and heightened anxiety levels. In addition, it also poses a threat of developing addiction towards digital media and devices.

  3. Social implications

    Although digital screens help us stay connected with our loved ones who are far away, overreliance can lead to reduced face-to-face communication. This means the child may not be able to develop various social skills.

    In addition, there is also a threat of cyberbullying and safety concerns, which require necessary parental supervision.

  4. Cognitive development

    Although screens can help greatly support education, they can also hinder cognitive development. Excessive screen time interferes with problem-solving abilities, creative thinking and attention span. Thus, it is imperative to balance screen time.

How can we reduce screen time to strike the right balance?

Realising the potential impact of excessive screen time on growing children, exploring practical strategies to maintain a healthy balance is important. Here are some suggestive ideas:

Setting screen time limits

Parents and guardians need to establish strict screen time limits for their children. Determine the time blocks during which screens are not allowed and communicate this clearly to the child. 

Choose meaningful screen activities for your children

The best way to make the onscreen activities meaningful is to encourage your children to engage in screen activities that align with their interests and have creative or educational value. It is also important to choose age-appropriate content for watching.

Monitor content for age appropriateness

Most digital devices come with parental controls to ensure that the content accessed is suitable for a child’s maturity level. In addition, several apps can help you track and regulate your child’s screen time. These tools help block or filter out age-inappropriate content.

Encourage offline activities

Offer a variety of alternate activities for your child to explore. This could be arts and crafts, reading, hobbies or physical activities.

These activities help to develop physical health, social interaction, creativity and communication skills, providing a well-rounded development.

Increase family time

Give importance to family time without a screen. To develop better family bonds, you could engage with your child in shared activities such as outings, board games, or outdoor plays.

Lead by example

It is important to remember that children learn by observing their guardians. Make sure that you limit your screen habits and strive to be a better role model. Limit your screen time and engage in alternate activities so that you can inspire your child to do the same.

Create a free zone

You could designate specific areas of the home where screens are not allowed. For example, a family room, dining room, kitchen, etc. This will help to develop quality family interaction and encourage healthier habits.

Foster open communication

Chat with your child about why it is important to balance screen time. Explain how too much screen time can have adverse effects and why doing other activities is needed too. Keep the conversation open and let your child be part of the process when setting screen time rules.

Make an appointment at Pantai Hospitals

As technology evolves, ensuring your child has the right balance between healthy development and onscreen time is paramount.

Undoubtedly, screen time can offer incredible educational and social benefits, which was unheard of before. Finding the right balance takes watchfulness, open communication, and a dedication to supporting the overall growth of our children in the digital era.

Get in touch with us to book an appointment today for a consultation, or visit our Paediatric Care Department at your nearest Pantai Hospital.

Pantai Hospitals have been accredited by the Malaysian Society for Quality in Health (MSQH) for its commitment to patient safety and service quality.

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