A miscarriage is the loss of a baby during the early stages of pregnancy. Miscarriages can be emotionally challenging for women and their families, so it is crucial to have a healthy support system to grieve and discuss one's concerns.
Here is a detailed guide on what a miscarriage is, the causes, risk factors and, most importantly, coping strategies for those struggling with losing their baby.
A miscarriage occurs when one unintentionally loses their baby in the womb before the 20th week of pregnancy. Losses after the 20th week are called stillbirth.
A miscarriage is different from an abortion. An abortion is a medical intervention (procedure involving pill or surgery) for terminating a pregnancy, while miscarriage is an involuntary loss of a pregnancy.
There are different types of miscarriages that an expectant mother may experience. These include:
While the exact causes of a miscarriage often remain unknown, the primary cause of miscarriages during the first trimester of pregnancy is typically due to the foetus not progressing as expected.
Research has shown that when first-trimester miscarriages occur without underlying medical reason, 50% of these miscarriages are typically associated with chromosomal abnormalities (extra or missing chromosomes).
In most cases, miscarriages occur due to reasons out of one's control. It has nothing to do with what a mother has or has not done.
Nevertheless, there are risk factors to consider, such as:
Prolonged high-stress levels may disrupt the body's immune system, hormonal balances, and overall health. A weak immune system can also reduce one's ability to fight off infections.
Although there is no conclusive research to link stress as a direct cause of miscarriages, the effects of stress on one's health can increase the likelihood of experiencing a miscarriage.
The signs of a miscarriage can vary based on how long you have been pregnant. Sometimes, a pregnant woman unaware of her pregnancy can abruptly experience a miscarriage very early in the term.
The primary symptom of a miscarriage is usually vaginal bleeding which can take different forms and may occur at irregular intervals. It could range from light spotting and brown discharge to heavy bleeding and red blood clots.
It is important to note that apart from being a sign of a miscarriage, vaginal bleeding is also common during the first trimester. Therefore, always consult your doctor if you experience any bleeding.
Other miscarriage symptoms include:
As these symptoms can even occur without having a miscarriage, consult your doctor if you experience them so tests can be taken to determine the cause.
Medical tests are used to verify whether a miscarriage happened. If confirmed, the tests could also help determine whether any pregnancy tissue is left in your uterus. These tests are:
If there is remaining tissue, your doctor may advise the following options:
Typically, no treatment is needed if all the tissue has been expelled.
Following a miscarriage, you should take proper action to reset your body and help with its healing process. This can include:
You may want to start trying to conceive again after experiencing a miscarriage. However, to ensure a smooth and healthy pregnancy, you should give yourself enough time to heal mentally and physically.
Although the chances of another miscarriage occurring are low, it is best to consult a healthcare professional to tailor a conception plan if you have experienced two or more consecutive losses.
Your doctor may conduct tests to help determine the causes of your miscarriage(s). Some of these can include:
Your gynaecologist will monitor your subsequent pregnancy to help ensure that the foetus develops healthily.
Ultimately, a miscarriage is often beyond one's control and can leave a heavy emotional scar on the parents. However, this does not mean it is the end. There is still a possibility of getting pregnant again. In addition, many women who have miscarried have gone on to have healthy full-term pregnancies.
It is advisable to consult your doctor to review recommendations and precautions for future pregnancies and to have any questions or concerns addressed to feel secure and self-assured.
A dedicated and expert team of Obstetrics & Gynaecology specialists at Pantai Hospital is available for consultation to provide the best care and assistance.
Get in touch with us to book an appointment today if you have concerns or questions regarding your pregnancy. We assure you the best possible care tailored to your specific needs.
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