Ophthalmology - Comprehensive Eye Health Solutions

Ophthalmology is the medical specialty that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease in the eye and any issues related to vision, including conjunctivitis conjunctivitis (pink eyes) and dry eyes. Early diagnosis and treatment are the best way to care for your eyes and prevent conditions that may result in loss of vision.

You can benefit from regular eye screenings from birth through life. If you are experiencing any changes in your vision, be sure to visit your ophthalmologist. Early intervention and care will preserve the health of your eyes. Your ophthalmologist can conduct a variety of diagnostic tests, prescribe glasses, and perform surgical procedures or laser therapy.

Continuity of care throughout your life is important as your eyes change over time. Our team of the best ophthalmologists in Malaysia at Pantai Hospitals is ready to accompany you each step of the way.

What are the types of eye conditions and symptoms?

1. Amblyopia (lazy eye)

Amblyopia (lazy eye) is when an eye has poor vision in the absence of any eye disease. It develops in childhood and results from a child’s vision not developing properly due to uncorrected refractive error or squint.

In most cases, only one eye is affected, but amblyopia can develop in both eyes.

2. Cataract

Cataract occurs when the lens in the eye becomes cloudy. It often develops in older people, but it can also be due to injury, prolonged eye inflammation, or steroid treatment. Babies can be born with cataracts too.

The most common symptom is blurry vision. Other symptoms may include seeing colours as faded, being very sensitive to light or glare or even having double vision.

3. Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a disease that damages the optic nerve. It often develops in older people and can cause vision loss and permanent blindness if left untreated.

Often, there are no visible symptoms in the early stage of the disease. Without treatment, it can lead to the gradual loss of side (peripheral) vision, tunnel vision and then permanent vision loss. That's why it is also known as "the silent thief of sight".

4. Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the loss of central vision, affecting adults over 50 years old. It is caused by aging damage to the macula, a small spot near the centre of the retina.

The most common symptom is blurred central vision and difficulty in completing “straight-ahead” tasks that require sharp central vision.

5. Myopia (short-sightedness)

Myopia (short-sightedness) is difficulty in seeing objects that are far away. It often develops in childhood and is corrected with glasses.

The most common symptom is blurry vision when trying to focus or read from a distance.

6. Hyperopia (farsightedness)

Hyperopia (farsightedness) is a condition that makes it difficult to focus on objects that are close to the eye. It occurs when the eyeball is too short to refract light properly and can be corrected with glasses.

Some of the symptoms associated with hyperopia include blurred vision, headaches, and sore eyes when reading.

7. Presbyopia

Presbyopia is the loss of accommodative function of the eye to near objects. It is caused by the ligaments of the lens of the eye naturally hardening over time. It is often confused with hyperopia.

Common symptoms are visual fatigue and problems reading small writing. It is also important to note that presbyopia can occur alongside other refractive errors.

8. Squint (strabismus)

Squint (strabismus) is when the eyes do not maintain proper alignment, for example, if they point in different directions. It often develops in childhood and may require surgery to straighten the eyes. In less serious cases, it may be possible to straighten the eyes with specialised glasses.

9. Other eye conditions

Other eye conditions that warrant a visit to the eye doctor include:

  • Astigmatism - This is a common eye issue that results in blurry or distorted vision. Astigmatism develops when the cornea or lens has an abnormal shape. Besides blurry vision, symptoms also include headaches, trouble seeing at night and eye strain.
  • Diabetic retinopathy (diabetic eye diseases) - This eye condition is caused by abnormality in the blood vessels in the retina due to diabetes mellitus and can lead to blindness. There is usually no sign of early symptoms and thus, it’s important to manage your diabetes to avoid this complication. Later symptoms include blurry vision, floaters, and blindness.
  • Dry eye - Dry eye is a common condition when your eyes don’t make enough tears. Symptoms include dry or ‘scratchy’ eyes, blurry vision, red eyes, and a burning sensation in the eyes.
  • Floaters - These small dark shapes that look like spots, squiggly lines, or treads float across your vision. While many people experience floaters once in a while, they can be a sign of more serious eye problems. It’s important to tell your medical doctor if you have floaters.
  • Pink eye - Also known as conjunctivitis, pink eye causes redness and swelling. You may also experience pain and itchiness. Pink eye can sometimes resolve on its own if it's mild.
  • Retinal detachment - This condition occurs when the retina is detached away from its natural position, which is at the back of the eye. Symptoms include a sudden increase in floaters, a shadow over your vision and flashes of light in one or both eyes.
  • Thyroid eye disease - Thyroid eye disease (TED) or Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder. As a result, the eye muscles, tear glands, and fatty tissues behind the eye get inflamed. This may cause the eyes and eyelids to become red, swollen, or even bulging out. Learn more about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment for thyroid eye disease.

How are eye conditions screened and diagnosed?

Eye screening tests enable us to detect abnormalities either at birth, during childhood, or right through adulthood. While some diseases are detected in childhood, others appear later in life.

By maintaining a consistent approach to the health of your eyes, your ophthalmologist will be able to ensure the early diagnosis and treatment of any potential disorders and diseases that may occur.

Ophthalmology diagnostics may include:

1. Visual Acuity Testing

This test is to evaluate your capacity to see close up and far away. It involves reading letters off a board. Children who are not able to read are given a simplified version.

2. Refraction

Used as part of an eye examination to determine the required glasses prescription, this test involves the ophthalmologist or optometrist testing lenses of varying strengths to achieve clear vision.

3. Tonometry

This is a test to measure eye pressure. It is used in the diagnosis of glaucoma.

4. Dilated Pupillary Exam

Drops are applied to the eye to dilate the pupil. This allows the ophthalmologist to check the retina for signs of disease.

5. Corneal Topography

This is a computerised test to check the curvature of your cornea. This test is often necessary before surgery or before wearing contact lenses for the first time.

All these screening and diagnostic tests are available at Pantai Hospitals. Conducted in a modern and comforting environment, your health and well-being is our top priority. Once your results are ready, your eye specialist will review them with you, explain them carefully, and advise the best plan of action to treat any potential conditions proactively, based on your lifestyle and risk factors.

*This is not a complete list of all the diagnostic procedures and treatments we provide. The information provided is for educational reference only and should not be seen as medical advice.

Please consult one of our qualified healthcare specialists for an accurate diagnosis before starting any treatment.

What are the treatment options for eye conditions?

At Pantai Hospitals, we are dedicated to accompanying you and your loved ones through the often-daunting process of vision and eye-related diagnosis, treatment, and care.

Common procedures to treat eye conditions include:

  • Cataract surgery
  • Glaucoma surgery
  • Neoplasm removal (foreign objects, tumour, cysts)
  • Repairing detached or torn retinas
  • Corneal transplants

As well as quality medical care, you will have access to modern and innovative medical technology. To ensure you receive the best care, our team of health professionals will create a personalised treatment plan to best suit your individual situation and health needs. Our priority is to provide you with the best possible outcome, while minimising any possible side effects and your recovery time.

In order to maintain good eye health and preserve your vision for as long as possible throughout your life, it is essential to consciously maintain your health in general. Our vision is an essential and valuable part of life and well-being. Our expert, compassionate, and committed team of eye professionals is available to help you protect and preserve your eyes. If you or your loved ones are concerned about changes or disturbances in their vision, don’t hesitate to make an appointment today and let our team take care of you.

Eye Screenings for children below twelve:

  • Newborn
    Babies are checked for infections, defects, cataracts, or glaucoma at birth.
  • 6 months
    Infants are checked for eye health, vision development, and alignment of the eyes are checked.
  • 1 to 2 years
    Screenings for potential eye problems using photo screening devices.
  • 3 to 4 years
    Screenings for eye abnormalities that may cause developmental problems.
  • 5 years and older
    Regular vision checks to be done once a year.

Recommended by The American Academy of Ophthalmology

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