A heart attack or myocardial infarction occurs when one or more parts of the heart muscle is not supplied with sufficient oxygen-rich blood due to a blockage of the blood flow to the heart muscle. This is caused by a clogged artery, which stops oxygenated blood from reaching a part of the heart.
Clogged or blocked artery is caused by atherosclerosis, a condition that occurs when plaque, a sticky substance is accumulated and formed inside the arteries over time due to fats, cholesterol deposits, calcium, and blood cells.
When the plaque is ruptured, it causes clot formation that leads to blockages. As a result, the heart muscles are deprived from oxygen and nutrients and start to die, thus causing a heart attack.
Learn more about the diagnosis and treatment options for a heart attack.
In case of an emergency, call the Accident & Emergency or Ambulance Service at Pantai Hospitals immediately when you suspect someone is having a heart attack.
A cardiac arrest or sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is different from a heart attack.
Sudden cardiac arrest, which is a sudden loss of heart function, breathing and responsiveness, can happen unexpectedly and typically without warning. It is caused by an electrical disruption in the heart which leads to erratic heartbeats (arrhythmia).
This condition is a medical emergency because the heart would be unable to pump blood to the lungs, brains, and other organs in the body. It can lead to death if not treated immediately.
Some other symptoms that may occur before sudden cardiac arrest include chest discomfort, shortness of breath, and heart palpitations.
Call the Accident & Emergency or Ambulance Service at Pantai Hospitals immediately. If you are trained in performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), continue giving compressions to the chest until emergency service is available.
A stroke occurs when a blood vessel within the brain gets obstructed by a plaque or a clot or if it bursts. This causes part of the brain tissues to die due to lack of oxygen and nutrients, resulting in memory loss and impairment.
When there is a blood clot in the carotid artery that supplies blood to the brain due to the build-up of plaque, blood circulation is cut off, leading to a stroke.
Learn more about the diagnosis and treatment options for a stroke.
Call the Accident & Emergency or Ambulance Service at Pantai Hospitals immediately when you suspect someone is having a stroke.