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Healthy Choices for Spacing Between Pregnancies

12 July 2024 · 5 mins read


Spacing between pregnancies can help keep the mother and child healthy. Read to find out why birth spacing is important and its advantages.

The interval between pregnancies, often referred to as birth spacing, holds significant implications for both maternal and child health.

You may be wondering when the right time is to have the next baby and whether it is better to have them closer in age. After all, having children with a small age gap means they can play and grow up together.

However, it is important to consider maternal health and the possibility of complications due to the small interval between pregnancies.

What is spacing between pregnancies?

Spacing between pregnancies is the interval between the births of their children. Also known as birth spacing, it is an integral part of family planning and maternal health that allows for sufficient time before a woman becomes pregnant again.

Why is spacing between pregnancies important?

The interval between births can significantly impact the mother and newborn’s health. In fact, proper spacing between pregnancies is essential for the well-being of mother and child.

When pregnancies are too close to one another, the mother’s body might have sufficient time to recover from the physical and nutritional demands of the previous pregnancy. This can take a toll on her health and, thus, lead to various complications.

Spacing pregnancies appropriately allows the mother’s body enough time to recover from the physical and nutritional demands of the previous pregnancy. This positively contributes to her overall well-being and helps mitigate the risk of potential complications.

What are the advantages of spacing between pregnancies?

Adequate spacing between pregnancies helps promote overall health and well-being of the mother and child in the following ways:

1. Maternal physical recovery

Pregnancy and childbirth can take a toll on a woman’s body. Giving the body time to recover between pregnancies allows it to heal from any physical trauma or strain experienced during childbirth. This can reduce the risk of complications in subsequent pregnancies and improve overall maternal health.

2. Replenish nutrients in the body

Pregnancy depletes the body’s nutritional stores as it supports the growing foetus. Spacing pregnancies allows the mother to replenish these stores through a balanced diet and appropriate supplementation, ensuring optimal health for both her and her future child.

3. Emotional and psychological well-being

Parenting a newborn requires significant physical, emotional, and psychological energy. Adequate spacing between pregnancies gives mothers time to adjust to their new role as parents, bond with their child, and address any postpartum challenges before embarking on another pregnancy journey.

4. Reduced risk of maternal health complications

Research indicates that shorter intervals between pregnancies are associated with an increased risk of maternal complications such as preterm birth, low birth weight, and preeclampsia. Longer spacing between pregnancies has been shown to lower these risks, promoting better maternal outcomes.

5. Optimal child development

Longer birth intervals have been linked to better outcomes for children, including improved cognitive development, reduced risk of developmental delays, and lower rates of childhood illnesses. This is partly attributed to the mother's improved health and nutritional status during subsequent pregnancies.

6. Enhanced family planning opportunities

Spacing pregnancies allows couples to plan their family size and timing according to their individual circumstances, goals, and resources. It provides an opportunity for parents to consider factors such as career aspirations, financial stability, and the needs of existing children when deciding to expand their family.

What is the best spacing between pregnancies?

It is recommended to wait at least 24 months between the delivery of the newborn and getting pregnant again. Although 24 months might seem like a lengthy period, your body needs the time to fully recover from the physical and nutritional demands of the previous pregnancy.

Additionally, keep in mind that juggling the care of your existing children while expecting another can be quite demanding. Thus, take this time to ensure your body is fully prepared before embarking on the journey of welcoming another child.

What are the different methods of spacing between pregnancies?

There are several methods available for spacing pregnancies, each with its own advantages, considerations, and effectiveness. Here are some common methods:

  1. Barrier methods

    Barrier methods of contraception, such as condoms, diaphragms, and cervical caps, create a physical barrier to prevent sperm from reaching the egg. They are readily available, have no hormonal side effects, and can be used as needed. However, their effectiveness depends on correct and consistent use.

    • Male or female condoms create a physical barrier between the penis and vagina to prevent sperm from reaching the egg. Additionally, condoms reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections.
    • A diaphragm is a circular dome-shaped cap made of soft silicone placed in the vaginal before sexual intercourse to cover the cervix so that sperm cannot reach the womb to fertilise the egg.
  2. Hormonal methods

    Hormonal contraceptives, including birth control pills, patches, injections, and hormonal intrauterine devices (IUDs), work by altering hormone levels to prevent ovulation or thicken cervical mucus to block sperm. These methods are highly effective when used correctly and consistently but may have side effects such as irregular bleeding, weight gain, or mood changes.

  3. Emergency contraception

    Emergency contraception, commonly known as the morning-after pill, can be used after unprotected intercourse to prevent pregnancy. It works by either preventing ovulation or interfering with fertilisation or implantation. Emergency contraception should be used as soon as possible after unprotected sex and is not intended for regular use.

Make an Appointment at Pantai Hospitals

The physical and nutritional demands of pregnancy and childbirth can take a toll on the mother’s body. Thus, spacing between pregnancies that allows adequate time for the mother’s body to recover after the newborn’s arrival is a healthy choice.

For optimal maternal and child health, schedule an appointment with us to consult with our gynaecologists today, or find out more about our Obstetrics and Gynaecology Services your nearest Pantai Hospital.

Pantai Hospitals have been accredited by the Malaysian Society for Quality in Health (MSQH) for its commitment to patient safety and service quality.

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