Child appetite
Hello doctor, my daughter is 6 years old. She had a fever for 2 days and has recovered, but now she refuses to eat anything, not even a little. Is this normal, doctor?


Hello,I'm sorry to hear that your daughter is not eating after recovering from her fever. It is not uncommon for children to experience a loss of appetite after being sick. However, it is important to monitor her closely to ensure she is not becoming dehydrated or losing too much weight.Here are a few tips that may help encourage your daughter to eat:1. Offer small, frequent meals: Instead of trying to get her to eat a large meal, offer her small snacks throughout the day that are nutritious and easy to eat.2. Offer her favorite foods: It's possible that her taste buds are still recovering from being sick, so offering her foods she enjoys may help stimulate her appetite.3. Make mealtime fun: Try to make mealtime a positive experience by eating together as a family and engaging her in conversation. You could also try using colorful plates and utensils to make the food more appealing.4. Stay hydrated: Encourage your daughter to drink plenty of fluids, such as water, milk, or diluted fruit juice, to prevent dehydration.If your daughter continues to refuse to eat or if you notice any signs of dehydration, such as decreased urination, lethargy, or dry lips and mouth, I recommend contacting your pediatrician for further advice.I hope these tips are helpful, and I wish your daughter a speedy recovery.

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Last Edited: 19 Sep 2024
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