Caesarean Delivery Package
Package offer ended

Pregnancy and childbirth are memorable, life changing experiences. At Pantai Hospital Laguna Merbok, we prioritise optimal care for all mothers-to-be during this special time.

We are pleased to announce our exclusive Caesarean Delivery Package for you today!
*Terms and Conditions apply.
• Package is applicable during working days & hours only.
• Package is applicable to self-pay cases & Selective Caesarean only.
• Package rates are subject to change without prior notice.

Packages Includes
For Mother

  • Professional fee for Consultant Obstetrician
  • Ward room charges
  • Operating room charges
  • Meals
  • Nursing care
  • Medications

For Baby

  • Professional fee for Consultant Paediatrician
  • Blood test (G6PD, Blood group, TSH)
  • BCG Vaccination
  • Hepatitis B (1st dose) vaccination
  • Vitamin K injection

Packages Excludes

  • Emergency Caesarean
  • After office hours / public holiday
  • Medical & Surgical Complications
  • Additional items / drugs / investigation / procedures / consultation
  • Conversion from Normal Delivery Package to Caesarean Package
  • Hearing screening for newborn
Additional Info
For further enquiries regarding package
details, please contact us at :
+6019 - 409 5388

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