Oral health is the condition of the mouth and its supporting structures, including the teeth, gums, tongue, and jaw. Oral health is often neglected by most people who had the misconception that it is less important than other health aspects when in fact, oral health is intricately linked to overall health. The mouth is the entry point to the digestive tract and respiratory system, some of the most important bodily systems in the human body. Serious conditions like endocarditis (infection of the inner lining of the heart), heart disease, pneumonia, and pregnancy and birth complications can be linked to oral health because any infection from the mouth can easily spread into the heart, lungs, and blood stream, leading to severe illnesses.
Good oral hygiene practices are key to having good oral health. This involves regular brushing using a soft bristle brush and fluoride toothpaste, flossing, having healthy diet low in sugary food and drinks, regular dentist checkups and cleanings, and not using tobacco. Unfortunately, health conditions like diabetes, HIV/AIDS, and cancer often make the patient more susceptible to oral diseases due to immunodeficiency and to make matters worse, oral diseases are also more severe in such patients. Therefore, it is important for you be attentive towards dental issues and consult your dentist right away because taking care of your oral health means taking care of your overall health.
Our oral health specialists here at Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur emphasise on importance of good oral health and its correlation to overall medical and general health. PHKL dental centre is a fully equipped centre offering a full range of dental services by multi-disciplinary experts and specialists. They are able to treat functional, cosmetic, and pathologic oral conditions, with sub-specialties in oral and maxillofacial surgery, paediatric dentistry, and orthodontics. Our oral surgeons can also diagnose and treat congenital and acquired diseases and deformities of the face, mouth, teeth, jaws, and neck.