Obstetrics and Gynaecology

The obstetrics/gynaecology (O&G) branch of medicine covers the two distinguished subspecialties of obstetrics and gynaecology. Obstetrics focuses on the treatment and care of women during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period. On the other hand, gynaecology refers to the care and treatment of medical conditions which affect a woman’s reproductive system, which includes the vagina, uterus, ovaries and breasts.

At Pantai Hospital Ayer Keroh, we are committed towards providing safe and quality care to all patients. Our O&G facility is led by a team of highly experienced and skilful specialists who are supported by a staff that consists of knowledgeable and experienced nurses. These nurses are specially trained in neonatal care, midwifery and lactation, thus ensuring that your new born receives optimal care throughout their stay with us. Meanwhile, our specialists are trained in both subspecialties which enables them to be equally adept in women's health management as well as pregnancy. These include training in maternal-foetal medicine, infertility and reproductive medicine, oncology, pelvic reconstructive surgery, family planning, paediatric and menopausal gynaecology.

The Brand You Can Trust for Maternity Care

Our hospitals have received accreditation from the Malaysian Society for Quality in Health (MSQH) for service quality excellence, which further cements our position as the preferred health service providers for O&G care nationwide. As a top healthcare institution, our O&G facility is fitted with top-of-the-line medical equipment such as a live ultrasound scanner with 3D, 4D, 5D and HD scanning capabilities and medical scanners for conducting breast ultrasounds and mammograms.

For women who intend to deliver their babies at our hospital, they can be assured of complete, high-quality and comfortable services and amenities which include:

  • Comfortable private rooms with ample personal space
  • ASTRO television service
  •  Room amenities that include an individual smart locker, flat-screen television, attached bathroom, cardiac table, remote-controlled electric bed, a fridge (for Single Deluxe Rooms only), a cupboard (for Single and Double-Bedded Rooms) and a sofa set (for Single-Bedded Rooms only)
  • Nursery amenities which include use of a bassinet, baby warmer and photolight

Our O&G facility also consists of labour and delivery rooms, basic and special care nurseries, as well as a neonatal Intensive Care unit which is in its final stages of completion.

In line with our holistic approach towards patient treatment, our O&G specialists at Pantai Hospital Ayer Keroh are able to provide an array of medical services to help pregnant women experience safely the three critical stages of pregnancy - during pregnancy, intrapartum (in labour) and postpartum period.

These services include:

During pregnancy
  • Early pregnancy assessment
  • Dating scan (to establish the gestational age of the pregnancy)
  • 3D / 4D / 5D / HD Live Ultrasound Scan
  • Detail scan / Fetal growth scan
  • Cervical cerclage
  • Ectopic pregnancy
Intrapartum (in labour)
  • Normal delivery
  • Caesarean section
  • Instrumentation (Forceps / Vacuum delivery)
  • Caesarean hysterectomy
  • Episiotomy & repair
Postpartum period
  • Evacuation of retained products of conception
  • Manual removal of placenta (MRP)

Alternatively, our O&G facility provides several gynaecologic screening services as well as a wide range of surgically based modalities to effectively treat gynaecologic medical conditions affecting the vagina, uterus, ovaries, cervix and Fallopian tubes. Our specialists are also competent in providing medical services for birth control or fertility conditions as well as treating pelvic floor disorders, pelvic inflammatory disease and cancers which affect a woman’s reproductive system.

The gynaecological screening services provided at our facility include:

  • Abdominal ultrasound
  • Transvaginal ultrasound (TVS)
  • Pelvic ultrasound
  • Tubal patency test
  • Cervical biopsy
  • Colposcopy
  • Endometrial sampling
  • Hysteroscopy

The treatment modalities and medical services provided by our facility include:

  • Colporrhaphy
  • Laser ablation of warts
  • Radical vulvectomy
  • Dilation & curettage (D&C)
  • Open and laparoscopic myomectomy
  • Open and total laparoscopic hysterectomy
  • Radical hysterectomy
  • Total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (TAHBSO)
  • Vaginal hysterectom
  • Oophorectomy
  • Open and laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy
  • Cervical polypectomy
  • Cryotherapy
Fallopian tube
  • Laparoscopic tubal surgery (neo-salpingostomy)
  • Open and laparoscopic salpingectomy
  • Open and laparoscopic tubal ligation
  • Tubal ligation reversal
Pelvic floor disorder
  • Adhesiolysis
  • Pelvic floor repair
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Utero-vaginal prolapse
  • Vaginally-urogynaecological surgery
Gynae oncology
  • Pelvic and paraaortic lymph node dissection
Birth control
  • Intrauterine device (IUD) insertion
  • IM Depo-Provera
  • Implanon insertion
  • Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
  • Male fertility surgery

Contact us to book your appointment today.

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